ORHA Update RE: Notice of Rent Increase – Oregon SB 611

By Sept. 30 of each year, the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis is responsible for calculating and publishing the maximum annual rent increase percentage allowed by law (Oregon Revised Statutes: ORS 90.323 or ORS 90.600) for the following calendar year. This amount is 7% plus the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, West Region (All Items), as most recently published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or 10%, whichever is lower.


The allowable annual rent increase in 2024 is 10.0%. Only one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period.

The allowable rent increase percentage for the previous year, 2023, was 14.6% if the increase was issued before July 6
th, or 10.0% if issued after July 6. 

For more information on the methodology, calculation, and Consumer Price Index data, see: Maximum Annual Rent Increase, 2024 (Excel file)

The Office of Economic Analysis will publish the maximum annual rent increase for 2025 by Sept. 30, 2024.
Please contac Josh Lehner at 971-209-5929 or joshua.lehner@das.oregon.gov for questions.


Link:  https://www.oregon.gov/das/oea/pages/rent-stabilization.aspx

July 26, 2023

**ORHA Forms Update**

Oregon SB 611

Dear ORHA Members,

Under the provisions of Oregon SB 611 - and effective immediately - rent increase limits are in effect. Please refer to the previous eblast from our Legislative Team for the details and read the bill.

This law change does not limit the usefulness of our existing Notice of Rent Increase – ORHA form #O1Portland Notice of Rent Increase – ORHA form #01PD, or Notice of Lease Renewal – ORHA form #O3.

Updates are in progress to all three of these forms to describe the new limits, but in the meantime, you may continue to use the existing forms as long as you don’t exceed the 10% maximum.

And remember, newer properties are exempt from Oregon’s rent cap. If the Certificate of Occupancy for your unit was issued within 15 years of your notice to increase rent, you are only limited by the market.

To view the details and other provisions in this bill (along with the history and upcoming meeting schedule), go to https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Measures/Overview/SB611.

ORHA appreciates your participation during this legislative season – Please contact the member helpline for your local association with any questions that you may have. If you do not know the contact information for your local association, you can view the information by clicking HERE.

Thank you,
Tia Politi, ORHA Forms Committee Chair

SB611 Date: 6/28/2023

This bill has passed both houses of the Oregon Legislature but has not yet been signed by the governor.  She should be signing it within days.


It will take effect when she signs the bill but it does not apply to increase notices that have already been sent out.


        SECTION 6. The amendments to ORS 90.323, 90.324 and 90.600 by sections 3 to 5 of this 2023 Act apply to rent increase notices given on or after the effective date of this 2023 Act.


This bill will limit increases to 7% plus CPI but not more than 10%.  So, after bill is signed, you will be limited to 10% for rest of 2023.




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click here: ORH Key PAC

The Salem Rental Housing Association is a member based, non-profit organization of investment property owners, professional managers and others, who care about practical, legal and profitable landlording practices.

Salem RHA is a member of Oregon Rental Housing Association, a statewide affiliation of fifteen such organizations. Through ORHA, Salem RHA members have an effective voice in the Oregon Legislature, can influence legislation, retain a rental housing lobbyist, have access to certified educational programs, and stay informed on political issues affecting the industry.


  • Salem RHA’s monthly newsletter

  • Over 60 different forms available at discounted prices

  • Knowledgeable answers through our local Helpline

  • Monthly meetings with industry expert speakers

  • Landlord training programs and regular workshops

  • Expertise in Fair Housing issues

  • Discounts from participating local businesses

  • Continuing Education Certificates for real estate professionals

Upcoming events

August 13, 2024 11:30 AM • Salem Scottish Rite Center, 4090 Commercial Street SE, Salem, OR 97302
September 10, 2024 11:30 AM • Salem Scottish Rite Center, 4090 Commercial Street SE, Salem, OR 97302
October 08, 2024 11:30 AM • Salem Scottish Rite Center, 4090 Commercial Street SE, Salem, OR 97302

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Salem RHA Provides Oregon State Rental Forms

Rental Forms are Just a Click Away!

Have you ever needed a form quickly and your local association office was closed?

Just click on the link below, fill in the ORHA form you need and print it out.

One of the most important ways that Salem RHA serves our members is by providing up-to-date rental forms. The documents are available pre-printed (click on the "Forms" tab above) or as online fill-able forms.


ORHA administers the online forms and not Salem RHA.

An Optimist builds castles in the air.
A dreamer lives there.
A realist collects the rent from both of them


Please contact:

Marion Polk Legal Aid Services at:  503-581-5265

Community Alliance of Tenants at:  1-503-288-0130 or go to http://oregoncat.org/

(c) 2019 - Salem Rental Housing Association
P.O. Box 7307 Salem, OR 97303
Helpline FOR MEMBERS ONLY!: (503) 370-4020
email: contact@salemrha.com
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