• September 24, 2016
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (PDT)
  • Best Western Mill Creek Inn, 3125 Ryan Drive SE, Salem
  • 21


  • List name of Rental Owner Assoc. you belong to
  • When sharing material
    List name of Rental Owner Assoc. you belong to

Registration is closed
Update will keep you on top of the most recent changes in the rental housing law, assisting you as property managers and landlords to stay legal and out of court! This seminar covers the essentials of Oregon's landlord/tenant law, with an emphasis on what's new. While the legislation changes made this past session where modest, they will affect most landlords. 

There will be plenty of time available for your questions.

Speaker: Violet Wilson

Full payment must be received 2 days before the seminar!!!

- Member: $ 50
- Non-Member: $ 75
- For extra Person when sharing material: $35 

Price per person includes course materials & lunch!

Click here for more information:

  4 Real Estate Continuing Education Credit Hours!!!
For more information send an email to: seminar@salemrha.com or call 
 our helpline at 503-370-4020
(c) 2019 - Salem Rental Housing Association
P.O. Box 7307 Salem, OR 97303
Helpline FOR MEMBERS ONLY!: (503) 370-4020
email: contact@salemrha.com
   Fair Housing Logo

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