Property Management and Reconciliation Requirements

Liz Hayes
Liz Hayes serves as the Compliance Division Manager at the Oregon Real Estate Agency. She has been with the Agency for nearly eight years, beginning her tenure in the Licensing and Education Division before transitioning to the Regulations Division, where she spent over two years as an investigator. In 2021, she was appointed to lead the newly established Compliance Division. Liz possesses a comprehensive knowledge of Agency rules and statutes, with particular expertise in property management and accounting requirements.
Prior to her tenure at the Agency, she held a broker license for 12 years, working at a brokerage that specialized in new construction and managed both single and multifamily properties. In this role, she worked with property owners, tenants, and vendors, and managed the brokerage’s bookkeeping, including monthly reconciliations.

Class Outline:
Property Management and Reconciliation Requirements
This course is intended for licensed Oregon property managers. Once complete, the licensee will have a better understanding of their administrative and fiduciary responsibilities as described in Oregon Revised Statute 696 and Oregon Administrative Rule 863. This two hour class will cover:
1. What are Clients' Trust Accounts
a. Why are they important?
b. Your Fiduciary Responsibilities
2. Monthly Reconciliation
a. Required Records
b. Examples and Practice
3. Mandatory Clients' Trust Account Reviews
a. Process: Start to Finish
4. Staying Out of Trouble
a. Investigations
b. Case Studies (Time Permitting)
Note: Instructor cannot provide any legal guidance. Course material covers the requirements of ORS 696 and OAR 863 and are the minimum licensee obligations. Your company may have additional requirements outside of the minimum requirements discussed.
Attachments area
Scottish Rite Center 4090 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR
!!! Registration and full payment must be received 2 days before the seminar!
- Member: $65
Extra person sharing materials: $40
- Non-Member: $90
Price per person includes lunch!
3 Real Estate Continuing Education Credit Hours!!!
You must cancel at least 7 days prior to the class to be eligible for a refund.
If you mail a check email and let us know that you plan to attend.
For more information send an email to:
or call the helpline at